

I am Ellis Briggs and I am a Developer that works for a events and media company for the past few years, editing apps and the website. Currently I am looking to do more freelance projects that can help me develop my skills and enhance people's businesses to help them to get the most out of their online presence.

My skills: (Previously used languages)

  • HTML & CSS
  • Javascript
    • Node.js
    • Next.js
    • React
  • Objective-C (iOS)
  • Java (Android)
  • PHP
    • Wordpress
    • Phalcon (Framework)
  • Python
    • Django
    • Beautiful Soup (Web scraping)

Personally I think less about the languages used to build the product but the experience the user has, and then fit a framework around that after some research.

So, if there is not the language you are looking for I am happy to learn any and give it a try.